More Than Human Rights

An Ecology of Law, Thought and Narrative for Earthly Flourishing

This book includes contributions from leading lawyers, scientists, philosophers, and writers from around the world who participated in the inaugural gathering of the More-Than-Human Rights (MOTH) project. The volume discusses the philosophical, legal, and scientific foundations of the MOTH framework as well as its implications for ideas and practices in fields such as law, human rights, ecology, politics, and storytelling.

Building on the invitation of Indigenous knowledge and ecological sciences to expand our sensorial and moral horizon and see ourselves again as part of Earth’s web of life, the provocation of this book is to locate rights in the more-than-human world. Among the questions guiding the book are: What theoretical and legal approaches can solidify the foundations of the rights of nature? How do findings from the natural sciences, Indigenous knowledge, and other fields shed new light on the idea of the rights of nature? What types of nonhuman entities should be protected? What types of rights should they be recognized as holding? What are the lessons from existing legislation, constitutional provisions, and lawsuits that embrace this notion? More broadly, how can we conceive of “human rights without human supremacism”?



César Rodríguez-Garavito


More-Than-Human Rights: Law, Science, and Storytelling Beyond Anthropocentrism

César Rodríguez-Garavito


Rethinking Human Rights for a More-Than-Human World

Will Kymlicka

Recasting Interspecies Care and Solidarity as Emergent Anti-Capitalist Politics

Danielle Celermajer & Anna Sturman

The Rights of Nature: Philosophical Challenges and Pragmatic Opportunities

Dale Jamieson


“The Jungle is a Living, Intelligent and Conscious Being”: A Conversation

José Gualinga Montalvo & Carlos Andrés Baquero Díaz

Journey to the Cedar Wood

Robert Macfarlane

Honoring the Wild Proliferation of Earthly Perspectives: A Conversation

Merlin Sheldrake & David Abram

“This Great Chain of Cause and Effect” – Alexander Von Humboldt’s View of Nature

Andrea Wulf


Global Patterns and Trends in Rights of Nature Legal Provisions: Insights from the Eco Jurisprudence Monitor

Craig M. Kauffman

Can the Rights of Nature Transform the Way Rights Are Conceptualized in International Law?

Emily Jones

Los Cedros Case: Social Movements, Judges, and the Rights of Nature

Agustín Grijalva Jiménez

The Systemic Theory of Law in the Jurisprudence of Nature in Ecuador: From the Machine to the Web of Life

Ramiro Avila Santamaría

Making Peace with the Rights of Nature: New Tools for Conflict Transformation in the Anthropocene

Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta


On the Origin of the Phrase “More-Than-Human”

David Abram




Agustín Grijalva Jiménez
Andrea Wulf
Anna Sturman
Carlos Andrés Baquero-Díaz
Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta
César Rodríguez-Garavito
Craig Kauffman
Dale Jamieson
Danielle Celermajer
David Abram
Dr. Emily Jones
José Gualinga Montalvo
Merlin Sheldrake
Ramiro Ávila Santamaría
Robert Macfarlane's
Will Kymlicka

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