
José Gualinga: Our Strength Comes From the Living Forest

José Gualinga (Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, Ecuador) introduces the concept of Kawsak Sacha (Living Forest) and describes its dual meaning: the profound connection between humans and their territory, and the core mission of the Sarayaku struggle.

04 | 18 | 2024

Crossing the River – Episode 4

Our Strength Comes From the Living Forest

José Gualinga (Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, Ecuador) introduces the concept of Kawsak Sacha (Living Forest) and describes its dual meaning: the profound connection between humans and their territory, and the core mission of the Sarayaku struggle. For the Sarayaku People, their territory and the more-than-human world must be protected and should be granted legal rights.

José Gualinga: Our Strength Comes From the Living Forest

Listen to the full episode below!

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