Watch this video with David Abram to learn about the more-than-human world and how language can help us humans sustain better relationships with other beings.
11 | 16 | 2023
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Biomimicry Institute and NYU’s MOTH Program to Advocate for Expanded Legal Protections for Nature’s Ideas
The MOTH Project and the Biomimicry Institute join forces to advocate for giving nature the credit it deserves for inspiring human innovation.
Los derechos de la naturaleza y la emergencia climática
This panel features a rich discussion of how the recognition of more-than-human rights can be a useful strategy to respond to the climate catastrophe and build a more equitable future on the planet.
Davi Kopenawa Yanomami (Yanomami Indigenous People, Brazil) is a shaman, a leader, and a scientist. He delves into his ancestral knowledge to present his critique of a society obsessed with material objects, with trinkets.